Will Your Life Improve?

23 Oct 2023| Posted by: Dave Tidbold

If you are like most sellers, the thought of selling your property can be very daunting when you get to the pointy end of making a decision.

But before you consider selling, I’d like to ask you a personal question?

Why Are You Selling?

Now before you go thinking that is none of my business, I put to you that this is a critical question that you should answer before you begin the selling process, and certainly before you go talking to a real estate agent.

You see, this sale is all about YOU! Will your life improve as a result of the sale of your property?

Whether you’re upgrading, downsizing, reducing financial pressure or moving to a retirement village, in all of these cases your life should improve once you make the move. If there is a benefit to you in the long run, the selling process will be much easier for you.

You should never put your property on the market with the thought, “If I get my price I’II sell”, or something similar. Without a clear goal you’re wasting your time, emotional energy, and money.

You should be able to discern a clear and positive reason why you will benefit from this sale.

Now that you know your reason for selling…keep it confidential! No one, other than the agent you trust, should know your reason for selling. If your reason is revealed it can severely hurt your chance of obtaining the highest price.

This is especially true if you need to sell by a certain date. If buyers know the reason you are selling it can weaken your negotiating position. Don’t let the reason you are selling your home be the reason you receive a lower price. Your reason is confidential.

Whether you are buying or selling, our friendly team is always happy to discuss your options, and provide as much help as possible.

Even if you’re not quite ready to sell now but would like to have a chat about the selling or buying process, we are always willing to help. You may wonder why we will spend time with you in the early stages with no obligation to you, well it’s because we understand it’s often not an easy decision.

Remember, if you sell with us you will be safe. We offer you our SMARTRE SALE Strategy which includes a NO SALE, NO CHARGE service with ZERO upfront advertising costs, and of course a written SERVICE GUARANTEE.

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